Well, since you ask me for a tale of COVID-19

I believe I do have a timeline of events that you might find enlightening.

Currently in Chronological order
  1. 2020 – Hastings & Hook Norton

    Russ and Deborah have a Zoom call during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    They both admit that they are secretly enjoying the lockdown. Deborah enjoys the community spirit and her increased communication with people via Zoom. Conversely, Russ is glad to have the excuse not to socialise with others, but instead spend more time with his family.

    Despite this, they make each other promise to keep up the pretence that they are both having a terrible time.

  2. 2020 – Online

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, Deborah and Jerry coordinate to virtually pull a Christmas cracker on a family video call. They are helped in their attempt by Toby and Alex, and lightly teased by Russ.

    While playing a round of charades, Deborah calls the rest of the family “spaniels” for deliberately avoiding the correct guess, even though she had already revealed the answer accidentally.

    The family each rip up the hat that they get from their cracker, although Alex has to first be reminded to do so.

    Instead of Christmas pudding, Deborah has half a scotch egg.

    At one point during the call, Alex tells Toby to let their dog, Oswald, out.

  3. 2021 – Aylesbury

    Jerry is checking in for his COVID-19 vaccination.

    He is extremely buoyant to be seeing people in the real world. In his excitement, he repeatedly extends his arm to shake hands, despite reminders of the social distancing rules. He can’t stop himself from giving verbose and eloquent answers to simple yes-no questions.