Well, since you ask me what happened in Episode 4, Scene 8

I believe I do have a timeline of events that you might find informative.

  1. 1939 – Spetwith

    Vanessa is speaking to members of her new sewing circle. They offer her their condolences on the death of her mother.

    It transpires that there is some confusion in the group about the identity of Vanessa’s mother.

    Vanessa tells them that her mother was Susanna Noone, who had died three years previous from a long illness.

    The sewing circle members had been under the impression that Gally Nightingale was her mother, who had died only three weeks previous in a bombing.

    Vanessa explains that Aunt Gally, as she calls her, was her mother’s companion. She tells them that, although Gally was like a second mother to her, they were not related.

    The group are surprised to learn this, given Vanessa’s resemblance to Gally.